What’s your goal?
The 22nd Football World Cup will kick off in Qatar on Friday. For an entire month the world’s eyes will be fixed on this event, becoming the topic of impassioned discussions in homes, schools, workplaces, restaurants, on street corners, well…everywhere you can think of!
Anything and everything football is IN during this period – even those that don’t like football will get caught up in the frenzy! From special offers for pizzas, to decidedly bizarre advertising, everyone will be riding the wave.
But, with all the euphoria and joy, there will also be sorrow as teams exit the tournament and people return to the humdrum routine of daily life. Maybe many considering that there must be more to life than this.
Imagine if a small seed could be planted in the minds of the masses, which in time could grow…prompting them to consider their true goal in life.

‘What’s your goal’
global dawah launches on 3rd December 2022


Well, to coincide with the the football World Cup, iERA is kicking off its BIGGEST ever Global Dawah Campaign – ‘What’s Your Goal?’. The What’s Your Goal (WYG) campaign aims to motivate Muslims to get involved in dawah in a warm and friendly way, hopefully planting that seed to get people to ponder their true purpose in life.
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
“Whoever guides (another) to a good deed will get a reward similar to the one who performs it.”

The WYG campaign will include:
- 39 countries registered to take part in dawah over the world cup period from the UK to Sweden, Toronto, India, Australia, South Africa and many others – with many countries setting up their first ever dawah team!
- A Global Dawah Day on 5th July with teams from across 6 continents participating in dawah training and activities. Over a thousand people are expected to convene in London alone!
- Teams printing unique WYG t-shirts to wear and capture people’s attention
- New WYG leaflets with half a million in English for YOU to distribute
- Production of specifically themed WYG videos to drive people to the OneReason website (www. onereason.org) to start their journey of discovery
- Sending an iERA team to Brazil to motivate, train and build local dawah teams so that we can support a sustainable dawah movement
- Daily social media updates to inspire people
Through this work we hope to inspire millions of people to get involved in dawah and plant those seeds. The campaign is now live, however it does require your help.
Firstly, log onto the missiondawah.com and learn how to join a dawah team in your country, or start your own! You’ll find videos and tips on how to get started and even on-line training.
Next, get ready to be part of the biggest ever Global Dawah Day on 5th July. Find out where the action will be and join what intends to be a day of halal sun and fun!
Finally, in order to deliver this campaign we need YOUR support in funding it. A donation of £100 or more can help us to get more people involved in dawah, and together, help to plant those seeds.

Sign up now and get exclusive access to three videos from Abdurraheem Green designed to help you start giving dawah. It’s time to be the change in your community!