On March 11th 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 coronavirus a global pandemic. This virus has entered into most countries, cities and households. It has spread far and wide and it does not discriminate – rich or poor, black or white, male or female, have qll contracted it. Some of us have even lost loved ones as a result of it.

People are genuinely worried and scared of this virus, as it can have disastrous effects on our lives and the lives of our loved ones! It affects us all and is affecting us all, particularly in our behaviour.
We are seeing two sides of the human being right now. One side indulges in their own selfishness, hoarding food and goods, fighting over toilet roll, shopkeepers hiking up their prices and even people purposefully trying to spread the virus!!
But then we see hope – we see a world of kindness and selflessness! Supermarkets giving special timings for the elderly and health care workers to shop, neighbours helping one another, takeaways offering free food to those at high risk, shopkeepers giving away free hand sanitisers.
This is a beautiful thing to see, as it is a time for us to come together, be there for each other and help one another. It’s amazing to see that, through the panic and the worry, humanity does find a way to rise above and be good. Interestingly, this is in line with a beautiful statement of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), when he said:
“you will not truly believe until you love for humanity what you love for yourself”
It’s interesting to see how this virus has triggered such behaviours in us. This behaviour – good or bad, selfish or selfless – is influenced as a result of this virus. Sometimes, this behaviour is extremely irrational, while at other times, it is very rational. But it starts with a thought. A thought that determines which action and behaviour we are going to take.
This is a perfect opportunity to do just that – think. While we take a pause from life in self-isolation, let us take a moment to think – take a moment to step back and reflect. I’m sure some of us have already begun to think about the bigger questions related to this virus – how did it start? why did it start? Or maybe even, when will it end?
It may have even made us think more about the bigger questions related to this life – Who are we? Why are we here? What is this life all about? The realities of life and death.
All over the world, this virus has made people begin to also think about these things – creating a “viral awakening” if you will! I know for me, someone who who tries to live a spiritual life, a person who is religious and a person who is Muslim, it has certainly made me re-evaluate and think about this life and my ultimate purpose in life. So with these videos, we’d like to share our thoughts with you.
At iERA our vision is to see a world reconnected to God (Allah). To achieve this vision we support YOU to share Islam across the globe.
We’ve setup a campaign specifically to address key questions people may be asking during these testing times about life, death, and why Allah would send a virus like this?
To find out more about the campaign below: