People are thirsty for Allah’s guidance – however they need someone to share the message with them.
iERA currently has an experienced team of 1373 dawah specialists (du’aat) spread across 33 countries, who are dedicated to calling people to Islam. Every year since 2018, the more dawah specialists we have deployed, the more people have come to Islam – look at the statistics below.
In fact – every 4 minutes someone takes their SHAHADA. These are not just empty statistics, behind every number is a name, a real person, a beautiful soul. These people are now worshipping Allah (swt) and love the messenger Muhammad (saw).
Set change in motion and start transforming lives today.
We have the people ready and the networks in place to keep reaching more and more people, in the MILLIONS insha’Allah. However, we need continuous funding – the same way the companions of the Prophet (saw) strove with their wealth to spread Islam.
iERA needs its own COMPANIONS, people like YOU to support this Prophet Mission with their wealth, and through that we can deploy more dawah specialists to reach more people with the Light of Islam.