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Zakat Fund

Support new Muslims and those whose hearts are enclined towards Islam with your Zakat

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“According to the fourth declaration of the eighth conference of the Islamic Fiqh Council, it is valid to use zakat for the propagation of Islam and answering misconceptions about it. This position is adopted by a very large number of contemporary scholars. They consider dawah to be included in the category of “fi sabeel-illah” mentioned in the verse of Surat at-Tawbah detailing the deserving recipients of zakat.”

Outreach and Zakat

  • The board of trustees are aware of valid Islamic scholarly opinions on the permissibility of allocating zakat funds to outreach (dawah). This opinion maintains that the “those in the cause of God” category is to be intepreted, in our contemporary context, as upholding and strengthening Islam through outreach.
  • Although the above scholarly opinion has classical and modern advocates adhering to various schools of thoughts, the trustees have decided not to use zakat funds on outreach.  

New Muslims and Zakat

  • The board of trustees adopt the valid Islamic scholarly opinion that zakat funds can be used for the development and empowerment of new Muslims. This is based on an interpretation of the “Those whose hearts are to be reconciled” category.
  • These funds can be used to ensure people who have embraced Islam continue to remain Muslim and strengthen their faith. This position is adopted by many scholars from all the Islamic schools of jurisprudence. 

Zakat Administration

  • Receiving donations:
  • Single donations: When a donor wants to donate with a one-off donation and they want to pay with their zakat funds, they will click the relevant box provided online.
  • Regular donations: iERA do not accept zakat as a regular donation. 
Learn more about this project

In the Quran, Allah has revealed 8 categories where Zakat can be spent. Two of these categories being:

“To attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam)”. These are people who are given zakat in order to open their hearts towards Islam, either a non-Muslim who we hope will become Muslim, or a new Muslim in order to strengthen their faith.

“For Allah's cause”. The scholars agree that this category includes those who devote their time to seeking and spreading Islamic knowledge. They are given zakat for their maintenance, clothing, food, drink, accommodation and books of knowledge. This is because seeking and spreading Islamic knowledge is considered striving for Allah's cause. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Who goes out seeking knowledge, then he is in Allah’s cause until he returns.” (Tirmidhi)

Please donate your zakat generously to iERA this Ramadan. May Allah reward you immensely. Ameen.