£1,200 can sponsor the following:
1 motorcycle
£6,000 can sponsor the following:
5 motorcycle
£20,000 can sponsor the following:
4x4 Jeep
We are carrying the Prophetic Dawah across the globe, traveling to remote villages that have never heard the message of Islam before.
Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated team, whole villages are embracing Islam, with hundreds of Shahadas happening every single day!
However, these missions are not easy. Locations are far away and hard-to-reach, and without the proper vehicles, the dawah cannot happen.
Imagine if the message of La ilaha ila Allah didn't reach us simply because the prophet Muhammad (asws), his companions and the pious predecessors that followed them didn't have the means to get out of Makkah. In reality, we know this was not the case. Between 633 - 711, the Muslims spread Islam all over the world creating an empire that spread from Pakistan all the way to Spain.
It is recognised as the largest empire created in human history. This all happened because they had desire, initiative, purpose and the vehicles to convey Islam far and wide.
Today, thousands of villages in Africa are waiting for the message of Islam to reach them. By providing vehicles, you are directly helping to expand the dawah, bringing Islam to even more corners of the earth where it has never been before.
Providing vehicles to facilitate the dawah is a very rewardable action. Every village these vehicles reach will secure ongoing rewards for you in the Hereafter.
Donate today and enable our dawah specialists to spread Islam even farther and reach untouched, remote regions with the message of Islam. May Allah reward you immensely. Ameen.