£1,000 can sponsor the following:
Dawah training weekend for a community
£5,000 can sponsor the following for a month:
Campaign for Londoners such as Jesus Exhibition, Discover the Quran Campaign.
£10,000 can sponsor the following:
Corporate sponsorship opportunity
For the past 15 years, IERA has been actively carrying the Prophetic Dawah in the UK. We need your support to continue spreading Islam across the UK.
With your support, we can do more dawah training, provide more new Muslim mentoring, organise more national campaigns and exhibitions.
Your generous donations help individuals and communities grow, become skilled and confident in engaging in dawah and improve understanding of Islam and Muslims in society.
We all have a responsibility in sharing Islam with our friends, colleagues and neighbours. We have a duty to ensure they hear the message of Islam. On the Day of Judgment, they are entitled to ask us: “Why didn’t you tell me?” It is our responsibility to convey the message to those around us.
Donate today to carry the Prophetic Dawah and spread the message of Islam across the UK. May Allah reward you immensely. Ameen.