Support the global dawah

Our Appeals​

Do YOU want to be part of this Prophetic Mission - of calling humanity back to the worship of Allah (swt)?

iERA currently has an experienced team of 1080 dawah specialists (du’aat) spread across 30 countries, who are dedicated to calling people to Islam.

People are thirsty for Allah’s guidance, however they need someone to share the message with them. This is where iERA comes in.

Every year since 2018, the more dawah specialists we have deployed, the more people have come to Islam.

Support the Islamic education of new Muslims around the world

Support full-time Dawah Specialists in carrying the Prophetic Dawah

Support the printing and distribution of Qurans

Support the production, design and distribution of dawah materials

Support iERA's Prophetic Dawah in the United Kingdom

Provide vehicles to dawah specialists to spread Islam

Support the Prophetic Dawah with your Zakat donation

Provide Islamic clothing to new Muslim men and women

Support online Dawah Specialists in carrying the Prophetic Dawah