Support this project

Online Dawah Fund

Support our online dawah specialists who tackle questions, address concepts and correct misconceptions about Islam from an online non-Muslim community

Our Recommended Donations

£300 can sponsor the following:
an online dawah specialist for a month
£600 can sponsor the following:
an online dawah specialist for 2 months
£1,200 can sponsor the following:
an online dawah specialist for 4 months

Learn more about this project

In today’s world, the internet has made communication global and instant. This presents a unique opportunity for our online dawah specialists to share Islam with non-Muslims who prefer to engage with chat forums from the comfort of their own home.
We have developed a team of online dawah specialists who are trained to engage in meaningful conversations with non-Muslims eager to learn more about Islam.

We are using the best communication tools to spread dawah effectively. Every month, 300 non-Muslims take their Shahada through our online interactions.

By sponsoring our online dawah specialists, you are helping us spread the message of Islam by clarifying misconceptions, providing accurate answers, and guiding people to the truth.

Your support is a valuable donation that contributes directly to the spread of Islam, opening doors to faith for those who are actively searching for the truth.

Your support connects hearts to Allah and makes you a part of this noble mission.
Allah (swt) says: “And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah, does righteousness, and says, ‘Indeed, I am of the Muslims.’” (Qur’an 41:33)

With every heart reconnected to Allah, you secure ongoing rewards that will continue to benefit you in the Hereafter.

Donate today to support our online dawah specialists. May Allah reward you immensely. Ameen.