£100 can provide Islamic clothing for 10 new Muslims (men & women)
£500 can provide Islamic clothing for 50 new Muslims (men & women)
£1000 can provide Islamic clothing for 100 new Muslims (men & women)
Last year, over 135,000 non-Muslims took their shahada to become new Muslims. The majority of these were in poor developing continents, such as Africa. To new Muslims that come from poor and humble backgrounds, we provide Islamic clothing.
Islamic clothing is more than just fabric—it is a requirement of the Muslim faith. That’s why we provide new Muslims with the clothing they need to worship Allah correctly, and feel confident and comfortable with Islam.
The clothing we provide is as follows: For new Muslim men, we gift hats, jubbas and tasbihs. For new Muslim women, we gift hijabs, abayahs, and tasbihs.
For new Muslim women in particular, these articles of Islamic clothing are crucial. They protect them from unnecessary attention and develop within them a strong Muslim identity.
Whether it’s new Muslim men or women, the Islamic clothing we provide makes them feel part of the community. They can wear their best Islamic clothes for Jumu’ah, Eid, and daily prayers.
Show kindness and compassion to others, and in return, you will receive Allah’s mercy, insha Allah.
The Prophet (asws) said: "The merciful are shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful on the earth, and you will be shown mercy from above." (Tirmidhī)
The Prophet (asws) also said 'The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy (Tabarani) Whoever walks with his brother regarding a need until he secures it for him, then Allah Almighty will make his footing firm across the bridge on the day when the footings are shaken. (Tabarani)
Donate today to provide Islamic clothing to new Muslims. May Allah reward you immensely. Ameen.